About SaladFrosting.com

Caesar Salad

It was Friday night. I was exhausted after a week’s worth of work, a week’s worth of driving, and a week’s worth of doing it alone. I drove straight from work to pick up the kids from their mom’s, and we went to the health club. As I was starving, I instructed the kids to “go play in the gym” while I tried to fuel up to give me enough energy to outlast 5 kids for the final few hours of Friday. I ordered a Caesar Salad and a 32 oz beer and sat down in a huge tired heap.

After a few minutes of quiet, with me enjoying my salad and nursing my beer, Suzanna, age 7 came in. She looked at me with her big blinking eyes that said “croutons please” without her saying a word. I lifted her up to the raised table, and she carefully picked out a morsel. But what is this? Her selected crumb had a bit of dressing on it. She carefully extended her tongue to sample this foreign matter on one of her favorite foods. Her nose was wrinkled in anticipation of what she would taste.

One swift lick, and her head cocked to the side and her eyes widened. I watched as she dipped the crouton back into a dab of dressing and licked an even bigger dollop off. Suzanna then spotted the empty dressing containers accompanying my salad that I had poured the dressing out of in the first place. Taking her index finger, she licked the first one clean. Then the second.

Finished but not quite, she looked at me and said, “Daddy, is there any more salad frosting?”

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